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The Wild Cat the Gazelle

beautiful black girl wear red hooded cape in the forest

Uncover the gripping tale of 'The Wild Cat the Gazelle' in this captivating story-telling blog. Join the adventure as Nenpetro seeks justice.

Nenpetro (kind of wild cat) and Nsessi (the gazelle), agreed that in case of famine the one might eat the other's mother. 

The famine came. Nsessi killed Nenpetro's mother and ate her ; but, loving his own mother very much, he took her into the bush, and hid her there in a cave, telling her never to come out unless she should hear him call her. Each day he took her food, but 'not earing to carry it himself, he got Nenpetro's little son to carry it for him.

Now this little boy felt with his father in his loss of his mother, and so resolved to tell him where Nsessi kept his mother. Thus he told Nenpetro, and showed him the way to the cave where Naessi had hidden his mother. Nenpetro then simulated the voice of Nsessi, and called to her to come out. When she came, Nenpetro killed her and took her to town. Then he had her cooked, and gave a feast, and invited Nsessi. But Nsessi wondered where he could have got his meat, and went to look for his mother. Could he have killed her ? She was not there. Yes, he had killed her. He refused Nenpetro's invitation, and said he would no longer live in that town. So he called his people together, and they burned their houses and went to live elsewhere.


Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort by Richard Edward Dennett (1898).

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