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When Lion Could Fly

beautiful black girl wear red hooded cape in the forest

Discover the intriguing story of 'When Lion Could Fly' and the captivating South-African folk-tales. Uncover the mystery and adventure in this timeless tale.

Lion, it is said, used once to fly, and at that time nothing could live before him. 

As he was unwilling that the bones of what he caught should be broken into pieces, he made a pair of White Crows watch the bones, leaving them behind at the kraal whilst he went a-hunting.

But one day Great Frog came there, broke the bones in pieces, and said, "Why can men and animals live no longer?" And he added these words, "When he comes, tell him that I live at yonder pool; if he wishes to see me, he must come there."

Lion, lying in wait (for game), wanted to fly up, but found he could not fly. Then he got angry, thinking that at the kraal something was wrong, and returned home.

When he arrived he asked, "What have you done that I cannot fly?"

Then they answered and said, "Someone came here, broke the bones into pieces, and said, 'If he want me, he may look for me at yonder pool!'"

Lion went, and arrived while Frog was sitting at the water's edge, and he tried to creep stealthily upon him. When he was about to get hold of him, Frog said, "Ho!" and, diving, went to the other side of the pool, and sat there. Lion pursued him but, as he could not catch him, he returned home.

From that day, it is said, Lion walked on his feet, and also began to creep upon his game, and the White Crows became entirely dumb since the day that they said, "Nothing can be said of that matter."


South-African folk-tales by Honeij, James Albert, 1880-

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